People Transform When We Come Together And Connect In Person

Now, more than ever, it is imperative to connect in real time to fully participate in our collective healing and awakening.
Check out these exciting new programs!
Dynamic, life-changing events happen when people come together and connect in person. Get on the Events Mailing List now so you can be among the first invited to register when we officially release the enrollment materials and complete event descriptions.
Join the list TODAY and we will send you a $100.00 gift certificate code to use toward your tuition for any of the new “GO DEEP” programs listed on this events page.
It is our thank gift to you for bringing your love and light to the tribe and supporting our collective awakening!
“GO DEEP” indicates the program is designed specifically for those of you who are serious and committed to manifesting your own breakthrough and lasting transformation.As such, each “GO DEEP” program is designed as a 3.5 day intensive. This assures we have: plenty of time and space for solid information to come through, powerful processes to be facilitated and assures important integration is properly anchored into your experience.
As in all of Mark’s programs, be ready for lots of fun and laughter, skillfully blended into a life-changing event that will rock your world! You will leave the event in total joy, and deeply connected to yourself and those with whom you co-create the experience.

Go DEEP – Goddess Mastery Experience:
Reclaiming Your Divine Feminine Power, Purpose and Perfection.
This is an intensive for women who are ready to emerge vibrating at a much higher version of yourself so you can cease being fearful, stop playing small in this world and joyfully get on with the mission you came to fulfill.
This is an intensive for women who are ready to emerge vibrating at a much higher version of yourself so you can cease being fearful, stop playing small in this world and joyfully get on with the mission you came to fulfill.
This program is the newest inspiration Mark has received to carry out his mission and it revolves around the archetypal energy of the Goddesses of the Four Directions. It is in alignment with the Divine Feminine Energy returning to our planet, as our mother Earth, Gaea, continues on her own glorious soul evolution and ascension takes us through the 5th dimension and beyond! This is for you if you self identify as female and there has been a tugging at your heart to make a change in your life.
You DO KNOW you are uncomfortably aware that your life no longer serves you in the stagnant, sluggish, state it is in; and, you have been craving a connection with your spiritual center. A big part of you feels the need to make honest, supportive connections with other women who are equally committed to their spiritual journey.
“I would encourage anyone who is considering the Goddess Transformation workshop to try and get a little one on one time before hand...AND AFTER!
So many things are changing in my life for the better and I will continue to work with him throughout the time I live in the desert, and most likely for the rest of my life.
He will become your Healer. Your Confidant. Your Cheerleader. Your Friend.”
Brenna – Palm Desert, California

Mark has partnered with renowned educator, Paul R. Scheele, founder and CEO of Learning Strategies Corporation to bring you: Abundance For Life in a very unique way.
With licensing authorization, Mark has turned Paul’s one day workshop into a 3.5 day intensive experience. In this power packed experience you will:
Masterfully learn how create the life you truly desire
Become aware of and access to your own natural powerful state of being
Awaken from the trance of the matrix
Clear personal energy blocks
Activate your pineal gland so you can access your deepest intuition
Switch on your merkaba
Share in whatever wants to come forth from the collective mind of the tribe as we co-create this metamorphic experience together.
This is for you because know NOW is the time for your breakthrough. You are so ready to stop making excuses and get scrupulously honest with yourself. You are sick of living in mediocrity, and you may feel kind of embarrassed that you have said so many times in the past, “this time I am really going to change”
Well guess what? Nothing in the past matters any more. You are not broken and nothing needs to be fixed. It is simply time to re-calibrate and align with the energies of ascension and actively chose to participate. You now have at your beck and call all the energies of the Divine Feminine ready to free you from the shame, guilt and ridiculously out-of-balance masculine energy driven chaos that has wreaked havoc on our mind and our planet for so long.
The good news is, all is forgiven and a new way is emerging. The new Earth is materializing and the path leading you directly to it is paved with love, light, clarity, unconditional love and accelerated results. (How cool is that?)
Pack your bags now and be ready to join us VERY soon. Get on the mailing list and stay connected because you DO NOT WANT TO MISS these GO DEEP Experiences!
By popular request, Mark is making his unique style of healing breath work he has used with his private clientele for the past 18 years, available in a group format. Now the tribe can gather together for collective healing and connection.
We are looking for a location to host a regularly scheduled group session in the Coachella Valley. The who, what, when, where and why will be sent out via email as soon as all the “moving parts” are securely in place.
Join on our Locals List and receive up-to-the-minute information.
In Palm Springs and ready to feel amazing FAST?
A master massage practitioner, Mark focuses on the healing energy coming out of his hands and amplifies it with conscious attention.